Saturday, September 20, 2008

I can't figure it out so for now I'll just do everything in bold
Ok I think I've figured this out, let's see.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Ok my Prayer is that Matt will remember this pain everytime he misses his dirtbikes. Please keep him in your prayers for a quick healing. Feel free to click on pics and see just how much pain he was in. There wasn't a dry spot on him by the time he got to the front door.

Take 2

Look who's walking AGAIN!!!!

Ok I'm trying to share pics of Matt but it wont let me

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More pics

OOh Hoo look whos blogging again!!!

SO much has been going on I wanted to share pictures of our fabulous time with my baby sis and her husband Matt and their 3 wonderfully gorgeous children, Parker 7, Hayden 2, and Mattylyn just turned 1 when she was here.

Sorry Scroll Down

Chan's crazy out there in his boxers, but as you can see our .75 acres backs up to wetlands (maybe alligators) so no chance of us having anyone build back there. Our main reason for buying this house. Check out our pitcher, you don't have anything on him ONE. jk

Our backyard adventures!!!!

Hey I wanted to share how much fun we're having down here in Sunny SC I also wanted to show the yard to Dena. I knew Kimmie you would love to see your unathletic friend and have a good laugh. ENJOY!!!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our house starting to be put together!!!!

Here are the pictures I promised some of you we plan to put in dark hard wood in the kitchen and Cherry cabinets, plus the study is going to have a work desk, I just couldn't fit it in my car. HERE ALSO IS MY NEW COUCH, MATT BOUGHT ME. I have many more to post but this is a start