Thursday, December 6, 2007


As you see Matt is up and walking, he of course isn't 100% but with God's help we're expecting a full recovery. We call him Herman Munster but he makes leaps and bounds everyday. He recieves PT 3x a week, and they now have him on the treadmill going 2MPH woo hooo honey you keep trucking and you'll be running the Omaha marathon next September.


Unknown said...

Je i'm still not buying the "Matt had an accident story"fess up to what really happened!(JJ)Glad to see him making progress.Wish i'd had a chance to get to know yall better.Guess we'll just have to stay connected in this format.Take care-best of luck Matt!!!

Shannon said...

Yeah! Go Matt!
Hey, my grandma wants to challenge you to a race! =)

One- said...

Great to see you up and about. Love and miss you guys lots. Merry Christmas!