Monday, October 13, 2008

Great News

My goofy, crazy sister found out on her way to her 30th birthday bash that she did not have cancer in her lymph nodes. Praise GOD thank you all for your prayers, she is still in a lot of pain from her surgery but all and all she's doing much better and already lost 10lbs just by eating healthy. She now has to take care of herself and constantly check herself for changed moles and any lumps. Happy Birthday MANDA BETH I love YOU!!!!!!!!


One- said...

Praise God. Sorry I didn't leave a comment sooner or call you. I am not used to checking your blog so often cuz you usually post about once a month. (Lol!) I am so happy for Amanda. God is so good!

Larissa said...

PRAISE GOD!!! That's awesome :) Tell her happy b-day for me. Can't wait to see you... show me more pics of your house!

Dena said...

That is wonderful news. I have a co-worker/ friend that had to have both breasts removed and have others who have to get checked constantly. It is so scary, but what a relief it must be to your family now. Will kep you all in prayers that things continue down a good path and she feels better from surgery soon.